Whitney Anderson

Photo of Whitney Anderson

Whitney Anderson is a staff writer for the “Six Mile Post.”
She is a communications major hoping to transfer to Georgia State next fall.
She enjoys peanut butter in bed, oatmeal baths and longs for world peace.

There is so much animosity in the world due to political preference. It’s becoming annoying quite frankly.

There are so many more important issues in this world to talk about than politics. I’ve realized that no matter who you talk to, you will always lose in a political debate.

I am just really sick and tired of not being able to voice my opinion about what I believe in without someone breathing down my neck about it.

However, lately it just seems to me that politics are really the only thing people can talk about. I know that because of the current gas crisis and the war in Iraq, everyone’s nerves are a little jumbled, but is that really a justifiable reason to yell at someone for being a liberal? I think not. Yes, I am a liberal-well, a libertarian if you will. This means that I still believe in many liberal views, but I get a little annoyed with the hardcore liberals.

Why is it that political preference is so important these days?

Day in and day out, I hear the same thing. I can’t even go to work without hearing someone bash liberals. I work at a local talk radio station. The people I work with are great, but the station runs a talk program that could literally make me pull my teeth out.

Rush Limbaugh-that is all I have to say. He is the epitome of the public enemy, if you catch my drift. His voice makes my skin crawl. It’s not that I don’t like him because I am a liberal; it’s just that he’s so angry, all the time ranting and raving about the “left.” (That’s another term used to describe liberals. Conservatives are known as the “right.”) I once thought the nicknames were pretty witty, but now it’s just plain dumb.

It doesn’t matter if you are black, white or pink with purple polka dots, being liberal or conservative in this world will get you nowhere. All it does is label you as a part of an ongoing war that will never end. America should come together and forget these petty differences and focus on more important issues rather than political views.

The troops in Iraq need our support regardless of whether or not you support the war. They aren’t over there fighting for their health. Those men and women are over there because they believe that there is a threat against America. I’m liberal, and I support the troops. Though I don’t always agree with President Bush, I do agree that something has to be done.

But before I begin to rant about that old chestnut, I would like to get back to the issue at hand. I respect everyone’s opinion. What I don’t respect is when someone interrupts me to tell me what I believe in is wrong.

After all, does anyone in the world really know what’s right when it comes to politics?