
Be sure to check out this other Editorial article:

The Nurse is out!



Editor's Box
By Amanda Stegall
[email protected]

Don't call my cousins stupid...

I have two cousins who are classified as mentally incapable of handling situations and life at a �normal level.� They are not, however, �developmentally delayed.�

Every time I go out in public with them, the same thing happens. People stare, laugh and on occasion point. This is not only rude, but it makes the person poking fun look stupid.

However, my cousins do not notice and continue to live in their own happy worlds.

My cousins are in their mid-50s but have the mental capacity of children. This does not make them dumb, but they are special and unique. In fact, they are quite brilliant if someone takes the time to listen to either of them.

Over Thanksgiving I was able to see them for the first time in at least ten years. Although our visit was brief, those two men taught me a lesson that I value above all others. Yes, THEY taught ME.

Life holds no burdens for my two cousins. They are carefree and do not feel depression. I never saw their expressions change from a smile, and the light I saw reflected in their eyes made me remember that life is what we make of it.

I did not find a cure for depression in this new revelation�though I wish I had because I suffer from that pain myself. I did realize, however, that it is never too late to enjoy every breath that is granted to us.

I do not want to give you the impression that my cousins never feel emotional pain. They are human and have felt heartache and loss.

I do, however, want people to stop thinking that it is fine to belittle them whenever possible and treat them like unintelligent children.

They are grown men and live their own lives and have their own jobs and homes. They are people just like everyone else.

It is not fair that these two men�whom I find to be incredibly intelligent�are degraded by society for being a little different.

They may think on different levels than others, and they require extra care, but they do not deserve the treatment that they oftentimes encounter.

After all, they understand happiness, and they love all that life has to offer. Few �normal� people understand life as well as my cousins do.

They enjoy life and do not wallow in self-pity and depression. They appreciate the little things that most of us overlook or take for granted.

These men have love in their hearts and have an innocent knowledge that is beyond comparison. Do not dare to call them stupid.