Something to think about...

Sarah Abercrombie, SMP ad manager, likes to get her nails done, but she often takes them off after two days. She does not have a credit card, thank God, and she likes to color in her Anatomy coloring book while watching her favorite television show “Grey's Anatomy.” She tried to cook lasagna, but that didn't work out so she went and danced in the rain.

When you first meet someone of the opposite sex-let's say on a blind date or in a local bar, what kind of questions do you ask him or her?

Most of us want to know things like, “Do you go to school and if so what are you going to do when you are done,” right?

Let me make this easy.

Ladies, if your friend sets you up on a blind date with this really sweet guy and your best bud thinks he is just what you have been looking for and this question comes up and the answer is “I just work at the post office delivering mail,” what would your first thought be?

I am sure it wouldn't be “He is the man of my dreams,” right? Or “I can't wait until our next date.”

In today's world I think it is very hard to find a person who actually doesn't care what your occupation is or will be. That is sad. I understand people don't want to be with a loser who can't take them on dates (not saying being a mailman is a loser job. Please remember it is just an example), but if you never give the mailman a shot and just dismiss him because he is a mailman, how would you know if he is your dream guy or not?

I think that people should be given a chance.

When I met my boyfriend a little over a year ago, I thought “Ohh my gosh. You have got to be kidding me.” Let's just say he looked like he had just rolled out of bed and thrown on clothes in the dark. Plus he had NO J-O-B.

But when he asked me out on a date over the phone later that night I said yes. I thought to myself what would it hurt. I mean to me it would have been very shallow not to give him a chance.

When I look back on meeting him I wonder where I would be and who would I be today if I hadn't given him a shot.

When we went out the next night he was a totally different person with dreams, goals and hopes for the future and not to mention looked like a complete stud. Today he is my rock. He supports me in everything that I do and don't do. And yes he has a J-O-B.

I am writing this is to say that if you find yourself when meeting someone just thinking, “Ohh they are going to be this or that… they will make a lot of money… or ohh they drive a nice car…” or just things that really don't matter, then you really need to consider changing.

I think today it is so hard to find someone who will just love/like you for who you are and do whatever they can to please you. And you never know if this special person just might be the guy who delivers your mail.