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[email protected]
Staff Writer

Playing it smart for Spring Break

By James Swift
[email protected]
Staff Writer

Many centuries ago, deprived Grecians would leave their horribly repressed and drab existences to partake in weeklong bouts of debauchery thinly veiled as festivals. These celebrations were, for better or worse, just an excuse for the downtrodden to engage in fervent alcohol consumption and promiscuous endeavors with the opposite gender (or possibly the same, since we are talking the ancient Greeks here.)

The point is this: modern, civilized citizens are far too advanced for the barbaric, animalistic sort of instant gratification and excess in this day and age, until Spring Break.

For some unbeknownst reason, that much-deserved week-off from collegiate duties has somehow transmogrified from being a time of relaxation to being a synonym for liver pickling and venereal disease collecting. In fact, the sojourn from campus relegation to the nearest sand-encrusted landmass is not only an accepted part of college mythos, but an expected one at that.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with carefree road trips and the occasional loosening of one's collar. Unfortunately, a majority of college trekkers take that equation to its absolute limits, taking such souvenirs from their vacation as a criminal record and an unwanted starring role in the latest "Girls Gone Wild" video.

Perhaps the best advice one can collect prior to a Spring Break travel is this: Think, and then do; in that order. Maybe it's not such a good idea to chug eight beers before attempting to wakeboard, and I assure you that it's not in one's best interest to accept a ride from a bearded gentlemen sporting red tinged axes in the backseat.

Above all else, Spring Break should be a time of rest. We live in a democracy, so however you choose to utilize your week is of your own design. That being said, if your blueprints prepare for seven days of hunching over a toilet bowl, perhaps your architect needs to be fired.