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Exercise and healthy eating will make a happier holiday

By Jamie Swertgfager
[email protected]
Staff Writer

It is almost that time of year again. Before you know it you will be surrounded by pumpkin pie, turkey stuffing and honey glazed hams. However, do not give in to the holiday feeding frenzy. Be strong! Use these five guidelines to keep off that extra holiday weight this season.

Develop a work-out schedule and stick to it. Go running or walking for at least 30 minutes at a time, three or four times a week. This increases heart rate and initiates fat burn.

Drink plenty of water. If you are adding exercise to your daily routine, your body might not be as used to it as you think. Drinking plenty of water will help your body adjust. It also helps get rid of unwanted toxins in your body.

Do not fall into the buffet trap. When you go to your grandmother�s house for Thanksgiving, try sampling a little of everything this year and not over indulging. Your eyes are always bigger than your stomach. Remember leftovers are good for at least a week if you need to indulge in that good home cooked food that badly.

Limit your sweets and carbohydrates. Try eating only one or two little pieces of pie and/or cornbread or biscuits instead of six.

Give yourself a goal to work towards, and then of course, a reward to follow your achievement.

For example, try to be able to run a mile in under nine minutes or do at least 100 sit ups without stopping. Then treat yourself to a nice healthy dinner of sushi somewhere nice. Have a friend do this with you. Peer pressure is always a good edge on fitness.

Good luck to everyone over the holidays and have a great holiday season.