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Creating healthy habits with consistency builds self-confidence, improves fitness

By Ryan Baswell
[email protected]
Guest Columnist

It would seem with our increasingly sedentary lives produced by technology, there would be some way to remain healthy without doing anything. Sadly this is not possible. In order to remain healthy, a conscious effort must be made and reinforced by daily choices. One of those choices is exercise. The trick to exercise is consistency.

A smart way to help you be consistent is to choose activities that are appealing. If none are appealing, then chose the easiest. Establishing a habit is more important than starting off strong. Choosing a variety of activities helps to maintain interest in fitness. Guarding yourself from boredom (especially when beginning to be active) will make exercise less of a chore. For example, running and weight resistance can be alternated with racket ball, basketball, hiking, jumping rope or cycling.

Next, create a program of short-term goals. Write down on weekly basis the exercises that are planned. Organize the day and time, as well as the length of the workout. Know exactly what is to be accomplished on a short-term schedule. Persistent execution of the program you create is the only way to bring about results and keeping motivated is certainly affected by the results you achieve. However, do not expect immediate results. Allow your body time to adjust to the increased activity. When your mind and muscles react positively to exercise, it can be enjoyable, instead of just being tolerable. It takes three weeks to develop a habit, and in six weeks of exercise noticeable physical change will occur. A tool to maintain these timeframes is perceived intensity.

Perceived intensity is a tool that can make the most of the time chosen to exercise. Perceived intensity is focusing and of understanding one’s capabilities and knowing when to push harder and when to back off. This will allow you to be focused on a goal, opposed to stopping when you fell like it. It is important to maintain the proper intensity level and to take seriously the time set aside for exercise.

In time, there will be a recognizable physical change. Exercise can and will change the way you look and feel. The benefits, however, reach farther than just aesthetic change. Regular exercise can relieve anxiety, depression, addiction and help build plain old self confidence. Physical health is directly related to mental health. Choose to develop proper habits for a healthy lifestyle and you will create a better quality of living.