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Global warming or God?

By Jacki Padgett
[email protected]
Staff Writer

Those that have been paying attention to the weather lately know that it is crazy and that it has only gotten crazier in the past few years.

Crazy weather is all around. People can’t explain why it happens and why people die, lose homes and everything they have.

So who or what is to blame for it?

Some people would say it’s God. It’s the sign of the time. A sign that the end of the world is near. They may even quote the Bible about the end of time. They read through Revelations and see how many times the events mentioned there match up with recent events.

Scientists would say it’s the effects of global warming and that the people on Earth are bringing all this on themselves.

They believe that increasing temperatures are the result of a strengthened greenhouse effect caused primarily by man-made increases in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (wikipedia). The people on this planet have been burning fossil fuels at an astounding rate, and our atmosphere is diminishing more and more each day.

All this could be causing the ocean temperatures to rise and melt icebergs. All that cold water mixes with hot and causes storms. Also, the amount of water released from the melted icebergs can push the North Atlantic Current off course and affect weather patterns as well.

Whether you blame the extreme weather on God or on the effects of our actions and global warming, it might just be a part of the natural weather cycles.