Something to think about...



James Swift is a staff writer and a journalism major studying at the Cartersville campus. He is an aspiring mixed martial artist, a firm believer in the straight edge philosophy.
[email protected]


Shot glasses in a campus bookstore?

After traversing my way past the massive human ocean that is the Cartersville campus front lobby, I arrived at my destination: the school bookstore. I had just sold a kidney and won the lottery, so I had finally accumulated sufficient funds to purchase my lab manual.

While waiting in the queue, my eyes veered to the miscellaneous section, and there I was confronted by GHC paraphernalia of every kind: there were Georgia Highlands emblazoned lanyards, key chains, pendants, shot glasses, coffee mugs�wait a minute, shot glasses?

Now, I am sure that there are people out there that only use shot glasses to imbibe soda, in the same way I am certain that there are people out there that only use water pipes for recreational tobacco usage. That being said, the item, by its nature, is a relic tied to alcohol overconsumption.

I find it to be a bizarre and somewhat distasteful decision to sell such items in the school store. As someone that has lost several friends due to drunk driving, I know firsthand the ills of alcohol overconsumption all too well.

With binge drinking claiming lives across campuses nationwide, it only perplexes one further as to why the particular item is being sold, especially one brandishing the school insignia. Even as simple decorum, it's an item that, at its most innocuous, harkens back to the party-obsessed collegiate stereotype, and as one of many students that survived the alcohol soaked bog of high school, it serves yet another painful purpose: as a reminder that revenue often trumps integrity.