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Inside February 17, 2004's Issue



CAPP provides new advisement options

By Kenneth Tucker
[email protected]
Staff Writer

A new advisement tool will soon be available for Georgia Highlands College students to use in SCORE.

According to Terri Borchardt, assistant records manager in the enrollment management division, Curriculum Advising and Program Planning, or CAPP, will allow students to view the progress being made towards their degree.

The student will be able to bring up a page that displays the classes he or she has taken and how each applies towards his or her degree.

When accessing CAPP the student must make sure his or her major is accurate in the CAPP system. If the student has changed majors and not followed the proper procedures, the correct information will not be displayed.

Students contemplating changing their major will also have the option of a special �What If?� feature. This feature allows students to see how completed classes can be applied towards another program of study.

Borchardt expressed concern that some students who attended Georgia Highlands College before the switch to the semester system occurred will have a small problem while using CAPP because the system will not recognize classes completed under the quarter system.

Classes that students earned credit for under the quarter system will still be viewable on CAPP under the �Extra Classes� section, but only courses taken during a semester will be organized to show the student how far from graduating he or she is.

Expectations seem to be very high for CAPP, and the amount of time it will save advisers looks to be very impressive. CAPP should also make it easier for a student to decide which classes to take.

While a few glitches are still present in the program, they are being worked out and CAPP should be ready to launch soon.

Eileen Walker, advising coordinator, said, �When running to full capacity CAPP will be an extremely useful advising tool.�


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