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Christopher Moore's 'Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove' has readers rolling with absurd humor

By Leanna Gable
[email protected]
Staff Writer

- Book Review -

Christopher Moore has done it again.

Possibly the most absurd, hysterically funny living author, Moore spins tales of colossal proportions with a finesse that makes them all remarkably believable.

In �The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove,� Moore delivers laugh after laugh with a story of a coastal tourist town that is invaded by a large, sexually frustrated prehistoric beast.

Imagine this: the town psychiatrist, because of a single alleged suicide attributed to the drugs she prescribed, decides to change everyone's medication to placebos. A local scientist and the sheriff (who has a severe addiction to marijuana), begin an adventure to locate and destroy the beast and solve the mystery surrounding the death.

The townspeople are all influenced by the pheromone bait produced by the beast to lure in its food.

Strange couples begin pairing off and the beast finds himself adopted by a former actress-turned-town-crazy who protects him and makes sure he survives.

Throw in an artist, a black singer with �the blues on him� and a large dog whose thoughts you hear regularly and the reader will be entrapped by sheer hilarity.

Moore must have written his books while influenced by some hallucinogenic, creativity-spiking substance.

This love-story meets hysterical comedy meets action-packed adventure will have readers laughing until their eyes water and they fall off their chairs.

This book is the pinnacle of absurd humor so easy to read that it literally cannot be put down.

Moore develops his characters with so much personality that the reader cannot help but view them as real people by the end of the book.

There is only one thing that can be said about what to do with a book this funny-read it.

Just be sure to read this book in private because people stare at readers giggling like loons while reading in public.