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Inside March 15, 2005's Issue


No more fear and loathing

Father of 'Gonzo' journalism famed for words and doomed by fame dies


Letters to the Editor...

FC student advocates pepper spray

Dear Editor,

I really enjoyed the article on self-defense. So many times people walk around thinking that they are invisible. Knowing the nine keys points that you printed could keep someone from getting mugged, robbed or even killed. I firmly believe in pepper spray!

Jeanine Thomas
Business Administration

A college by the same name...

Dear Editor,

It seems that "Northwestern" is getting a great deal of attention in new college name choices. What amazes me is that about fifty miles from the Rome campus, just north of LaFayette and about twenty miles from my residence, sits Northwestern Technical College. It's also in Georgia. There are "Northwestern" colleges all over the U.S. Just Google such online. It would be nice if the new college name showed originality and individuality. It's also unfortunate that one letter can cause all that hard work and decision to be thrown into the wastebasket. "Etowah College" is still a great name, but so is "Georgia Highlands College." Take an example from the University of Wisconsin, my alma mater. Each campus is named the same with the city tacked on:
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
University of Wisconsin Sheboygan
University of Wisconsin Stevens Point.
So why not...
Georgia Highlands College Rome
Georgia Highlands College Cartersville
Georgia Highlands College Acworth?

Danny Ingram
Cartersville Campus

Georgia Highlands College smokers should obey rules

Dear Editor,

I am writing this letter to make a comment and to bring an issue to the attention of the administrative staff at Georgia Highlands College. For the past few months I have noticed that there are still people smoking on campus when they're not supposed to. Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought last year the school introduced a smoking rule banning smoking any where on campus except for inside of the student's/staff's vehicle. I am upset that this rule has not been enforced. I believe if a rule has been set then the school should enforce it and people should obey and respect that rule and others by following it. I see at least six to 10 people every day smoking in non-designated areas around the school. I hate the way cigarettes smell and I don't want to smell like them. I am sure that I'm not the only person who feels this way. So I hope by expressing myself in this letter things will begin to change.

Stephanie Woodley
General Business

'Meet the Fockers' well worth seeing

Dear Editor,

I went to see the movie since you had the article in the "Six Mile Post" and I too thought the movie was hilarious. I thought when Mrs. Focker brought out Greg's baby album, Pam's mother felt sick at her stomach. Despite the things Pam's father did to Greg in the movie, she still loved him. Over all I believe that Meet the Fockers was a good, funny, family movie. I would recommend everyone to see it.

Anna Fincher
General Studies
Silver Creek

Activity fees should be per individual event

Dear Editor,

I am greatly opposed to increasing activity fees. � The majority of students including myself do not have the money to spend on activities that we cannot take advantage of. �A full time school schedule, job, and a child put a damper on attending student activities. I believe that there should not be activity fees, but fees for each specific activity. �Having separate fees for each activity would save money for the individuals who are unable to take advantage of student activities, and the students who wish to attend can still attend activities for a small fee.

Elizabeth Berry
Business Administration


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