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'Sea Change'

Hofstetter's new college-humor book a success

By Daniel Bell"Student Body Shots" - a College Humor book

Life for college students can be difficult at times. But, as documented by Steve Hofstetter in his recent book, "Student Body Shots: A sarcastic look at the best 4-6 years of your life," college life is not all hard work, and sometimes it can even be entertaining.

Hofstetter, an award-winning collegehumor.com columnist, captures college life in every single aspect. Although most of the content is specifically designed for students at universities, where dorm life is the norm, students on the two-year level can still appreciate the humor and know that one day they will be there to experience things like RAs (Resident Advisers), tiny dorm rooms and kill-joy room mates.

"Student Body Shots" has much that any college student on any level can relate to. In one section about professors, Hofstetter writes, "Some professors don't give A's, so you ask them why. 'I'm sorry,' they say, 'I don't give A's.' Hey, buddy, it's your job to give A's sometimes. If you don't think anyone you've ever taught deserves an A, then maybe they're not the ones who need improvement."

The book is very well organized and insanely hilarious to boot. From dating and bars to exams and class, this book covers it all and makes the reader see the lighter side of it. It is divided into subjects like "Men and Women," "Academics" and "The Daily Grind." Each chapter has smaller sections mocking each and every aspect of college life.

"Student Body Shots" could be very useful as well as entertaining. Students who are in college can easily identify with just about every situation described and soon-to-be students can read about what they have to look forward to. Former students can look back and remember just what college was really all about.

As Hofstetter said in the first chapter, "One day, it's going to happen. You're going to look around and realize your parents are gone, your laundry is dirty, and you've gained, lost and gained back 15 pounds. You're in college. You'd call your parents and tell them, but they've stopped accepting the charges."

As his first attempt at a book, "Student Body Shots" is something Hofstetter should be proud of. It is gut-busting funny and something students, past and present, can relate to. It is a breath of fresh air in a world dominated by essays, all-nighters and intimidating exams.

In addition to tests and professors, he also writes about college students and alcohol. In that section he writes, "I talk to my friends the next day after a bad night of drinking and they say the college student's mantra: 'I will never drink again.' I've learned that in college, the word 'again' really means 'til Thursday.'"

Most students will get a good laugh from this not only because they will think it is funny, but because they will also find it to be true.

It is said that laughter is the best medicine, but Hofstetter believes laughter is necessary to make it through college.

"College isn't easy," he said. "Laughter might be the only way to survive."

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