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Hogan wrestles with dad’s shadow

Brooke shows talent, but guest stars steal spotlight

By Zack Bolien
[email protected]
Staff Writer

- Music Review -

When Brooke Hogan enters the backstage area before a concert, she is greeted with more respect than any other teen pop star of our time.

Some of that respect, of course, springs from the fact that her father, Hulk Hogan, won’t be far behind. I would have liked some of that respect myself as I stood in the checkout lane at Wal-Mart clutching her CD. Unfortunately, an adult male purchasing a teen pop CD is afforded very little.

In an age where celebrities of one medium are quickly spreading out to as many platforms as possible, it’s not surprising that the daughter of the legendary wrestler was fighting for her place in the limelight.

With her debut pop album, “Undiscovered,” Brooke has more than entered the ring; she has dominated it. Her first single, “About Us,” choke-slammed its way to number one on the Billboard Top 100.

The album consists of tracks recorded with a variety of pop and R&B stars, as most albums of this type are. Sadly, one gets the feeling that the producers might have thought Brooke alone couldn’t carry the release and instead tried to pack as many guest stars as possible onto it. The few songs where Brooke is allowed to take the wheel, such as “For a Moment,” actually showcase a decent voice and talent.

Note System

For the most part, this album is intended for two audiences. The first, teen girls who idolize the Hogan daughter and plaster her poster next to their Aaron Carter one in their rooms. The second, people who are looking for a CD to throw into the changer for parties and keep at a low level as background music.

Despite these marketing limitations, however, Brooke really does show some skill. I wouldn’t be surprised to see her next few albums push for a less poppy, kid friendly sound into something more substantial.

I give this CD three out of five notes. The performer is skilled, but the material is bland and oversaturated.