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It’s almost time to fall into 'Frenzy'

By Timothy Jones
[email protected]
Staff Writer

Fall is here and Georgia Highlands is celebrating by having a Fall Frenzy in late October. According to Heath Rogers, assistant director of student life, two fall festival type events will be held at the Floyd and Cartersville campuses.

Face painting appealed to younger crowd on the Cartersville campus last year.

Fall Frenzy will be held Oct. 30 at Cartersville and Oct. 31 at Floyd. Rogers, who oversees student activities in Cartersville, indicated that the times for both events will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., whereas last year’s events were held at night.

Last year’s events were held during evening hours to help accommodate more of the community members. According to Rogers, this year’s events were scheduled earlier in the day to ensure better attendance from students.

Students from all Georgia Highlands campuses are welcome to participate at either or both locations.

Rogers stated that food for both events will be free. In addition, Laser Tag and Segway Scooters will be present throughout the event for entertainment.

Students are also welcome to attend in costume if they choose.