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Inside April 20, 2004's Issue



College teaches many lessons not learned from textbooks

As this school year is coming to an end many people are beginning to think about their futures and what they hold.

Many students will be graduating and moving on to another school to complete their education, while some will be entering the workforce.

In either case, the knowledge gained through the time spent in college is immeasurable and something that can never be taken away. Students learn a massive amount of information that will guide them in whatever they choose to do in life.

However, college not only teaches people the specific knowledge about the field of work one is going into, it teaches about communication and relationships as well.

While these things can't be found in college textbooks they are a necessity in life, no matter which path one chooses to pursue.

These important lessons are gained from study groups, class discussions, projects and even the dreaded speech class.

All of these situations force people to work together to attain some goal. If those involved want a good outcome, they will work harder at improving these skills.

Knowing how to communicate and form relationships is pertinent because in any job setting these aspects will be needed.

Knowing everything there is to know about a certain topic is wonderful, but if one doesn't know how to communicate that knowledge to others then it is of no use to anyone.

This is one reason why people with college educations are more sought after in the work force. Employers know that these people are not only well educated about a certain subject, but have more �life� knowledge as well.

In some cases forming relationships with certain people can determine how far one will go in life, as the saying �It's not what you know, but who you know,� suggests. These skills may lead to new jobs, promotions or even raises.

So, while one must hold the educational skills for a certain job, one must also have the social skills required of that job as well.

College is an excellent source of teaching both of these abilities that will ensure successfulness throughout life.


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