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Editor's Box

FC perfect for earning core credit affordably

Rebecca Alford - assistant editorMoving and going away to college are the hopes of many high school graduates, including me, but for so many it's not reasonable or affordable.

With the prices of tuition rising from year to year it is becoming more difficult for people to be able to afford the college they want to attend even with the help of scholarships.

Luckily there are colleges such as Floyd, allowing students to get a good education at a reasonable price.

At FC, students are able to get their core classes that will be required at any college out of the way a lot cheaper than at some big university.

So the students like me that choose to stay at home and go to Floyd may have to wait two years before venturing off into the world and experience living without parents; in the end it's worth it with the money saved.

During the two years an average student spends at Georgia Highlands College, students have time to decide what they really want to do with their lives, what type of major they want to declare and where they want to receive further education, if any.

The students lucky enough to have HOPE Scholarship can attend FC for practically nothing, which allows them to save money for further education or other plans for after college. This also lifts the heavy burden of having to worry about paying back student loans after graduating.

For students that don't have HOPE, the good news is that Georgia Highlands College is still very affordable. Students don't have to miss out on a good college education simply because they can't afford it.

FC also offers many opportunities for students to get involved with the college, such as student government, student publications, clubs, intramurals and much more. This is great for all the students that can't stand to not be doing something and love to be involved with different activities.

Overall, I think Georgia Highlands College is a good college for younger and older students alike. It gives students opportunities to get involved and allows students to enjoy college life without having to worry about paying back everything later.

Two-year colleges in Georgia saw the highest increases overall in the University System, averaging 11percent increases over the 2001 numbers, according to University System Chancellor Thomas Meredith's State of the System address in January.

And with Floyd being the fastest growing institution in the University System of Georgia, I think people are starting to catch on. Just since last spring there has been a 21percent increase in enrollment here at Floyd.

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