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Inside October 19, 2004's Issue


Casualties of the war on terror

Editorial Cartoon


What every freshman should know

Amy Waters

Editor's Box
By Amy Waters
[email protected]
Assistant Editor

Some college newspapers run the standard article titled something like �What every freshman should know� or �How to survive your freshman year.�

Georgia Highlands College has experienced a large percentage of traditional freshman enrollments this semester. Therefore, I would like to give a little friendly advice to the traditional freshmen.

Instead of telling you how to effectively study, how to manage your time wisely or how to maintain your relationships, I am going to say this: you are in college now; try to act like it. This statement may be simple, but I have experienced and have been told of a few instances that have happened this semester that have made me shake my head.

The main idea is to realize that you are now exposed to many different people with different lifestyles and beliefs. Some FC students are older than you, are already parents, are married, are Democrats, are divorced, already work full-time jobs, are gay, are Republicans and some even believe in God.

I was recently asked by a fellow student, who I don't know well, how many children I had. When I told her I have three children, she replied she was sorry. Sorry for what or whom? I am honored to have my children. Having college student status does not give you the right to be rude. Try learning to think before you speak.

I continue to hear the never-ending questions about political affiliation and religious beliefs. I know what I want for my country, and I know what my personal beliefs are spiritually. I do not need someone telling me how wrong I am and how I should think. Believe it or not, these two topics are not always acceptable conversation pieces with all college students.

Also, be careful of what information you do disclose about yourself, and be careful of how loudly you say it. I heard one girl recently said in class that she and her boyfriend �do it like rabbits,� not caring who heard this declaration. Be careful of what you say because it could come back and bite you later in life. Your future boss may be sitting within earshot of you.

It is now time to leave high school behavior behind. There do not seem to be many cliques here at FC. No jocks to impress, no cheerleaders to hate. Everyone does his or her own thing, and nobody else cares.

Realizing the diversity of this new environment can be one of the hardest lessons to learn your freshman year. Try to be aware of your surroundings and enjoy being a freshman. Statistics have shown that friends made in your freshman year of college are the friends you are most likely to keep.


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