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Inside September 28, 2004's Issue



To vote or not to vote: That is the question

By Alexandra Kekel
[email protected]
Staff Writer

As the heat of summer becomes the comfortable chill of fall, our minds are filled with a myriad of things like pumpkin pie, the upcoming holidays and possibly even the November presidential election.


A number of Georgia Highlands College students are focusing on the November election and the need for everyone to vote. �What you have to say is actually going to count.You need to get involved in your future,� said Becky Lowe, nursing major.

C h r i s t i n e Cope, an education major, said that voting is important because �people don't give youth opportunity to express

Cope. their views and opinions.�

Some young people are still getting used to the idea that they are able to vote.
Engert As children it seemed something uniquely �adult,� something that parents and grandparents did. Now that they are able to vote alongside their elders, the privilege holds a lot of weight and responsibility.

Early childhood education major Sydney Lanier said, �Your vote is going to decide who runs the country. What happens now will concern us when we're older.�

Not all students, however, are as eager to hit the voting booths.

Jennifer Engert, a business management major, had something quite different to say. �I'm not voting because I don't think I'm informed on the issues. A lot of people will vote for whoever looks best. But you shouldn't vote unless you're well informed.�

Photos by Erin Gray


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