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Inside September 28, 2004's Issue


To vote or not to vote: That is the question

Mehaffey protects college he helped create


Financial aid counselor expresses her creativity through abstract art

By David Winters
[email protected]
Staff Writer

Jamie Brynteson, a financial aid couselor at Georgia Highlands College,
stands beside her painting “Battered Woman.

Jamie Brynteson has another talent in addition to her skills as a financial aid counselor.

In her spare time, Brynteson, who has been with Georgia Highlands College for three months, is an artist.

She enjoys abstract painting. �I like to create things with a sense of mystery and inspire thinking,� she said.

Although it took her two years into college to really commit to art, Brynteson has actively pursued her interest in the craft since childhood. Her last show was at the Moon Gallery at Berry College.

The talent, she said, runs in the family. She inherited her true passion for painting from her father, also a painter.

The difference between having the job of a financial aid counselor and having the hobby of art is sort of a yin yang effect, said Brynteson.

Work, where she deals with financial aid issues and the qualifications for it, is structured. �It's all in black and white at work,� she said.

But in art, she has room to be highly creative. �With art you can be anything,� Brynteson said.

Since she works during the week, Brynteson spends most of her time on art on weekends and holidays.


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