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Inside November 16, 2004's Issue


Time flies when you're having fun

Happy Holidays from the Six Mile Post


Thanksgiving Memories

There's always a silver lining

My favorite Thanksgiving could be good for some and horrible for others, but for me it was what Thanksgiving is all about, being thankful. It was the Thanksgiving of 2000. My and my husband's family had gathered with me, my husband, 10-year-old daughter and two-year-old son at Children's Healthcare at Egleston. That was probably the first Thanksgiving that I really felt so thankful. My children also learned how important being thankful is and what to be thankful for. To let you know what I was thankful for I will start in August of 2000. At the age of two years and nine days old, my son Lucas was diagnosed with leukemia. Six weeks later the house that we were living in burned to the ground leaving us with only the few items we had at the hospital with us. So why was I so thankful that year? Well, here is the reason: A few days prior to Thanksgiving my son was pronounced cancer free!!!! When it comes to the house, well if my son had not been diagnosed and we had not been at the hospital, my husband, our daughter, our son and I would have been upstairs asleep and could have perished with the house. After spending a lot of time crying about things, I looked around and said, "Hey, look what you still have that could have been taken away."

Beth Lane
Education Major
Cartersville, GA

Let them eat cake! ... or not

Let them eat cake!I was 16 when we had the worst Thanksgiving ever. My grandfather started talking about how America going to the moon was a hoax. My dad, being the sarcastic man he is, decided to start arguing with him, saying things like, "Oh yeah, the moon rocks America has, the footage, and the billions of dollars spent was all a lie."�The argument turned into a war, and the whole family was staring in awe. When my mom said to stop, my grandparents said if they couldn't speak their mind then they would leave! They did and they took their cakes with them!�Luckily, there was the chocolate pie that everyone looked forward to. My cousin and I sat down to eat it first. He took a bite and his eyes bulged. Thinking my mom had made the pie, he whispered, "Don't eat it!" He jumped up and ran out of the room.�Wondering what was wrong with the pie I made, I took a bite only to discover instead of sugar, I had put in salt--and a lot of it!�We decided not to tell anyone so we could see their reactions. Everyone found out I was the one who made it, and they have not let me live it down since!

Christa White
Nursing Major
Rome, GA

Little Sam vs. Big Jake

Little Sam, Big JakeThe Thanksgiving of '91 was a very odd and troubling day for me. Actually, the day before is what took the cake. I was eight years old and strolling through my yard when my pop's pet turkey, Big Jake, escaped from its pen. I don't know if it was my charming looks or the bright orange t-shirt I was wearing that threw Big Jake into a sex -crazed frenzy, but he began chasing me around my yard. Now getting away from a turkey may not seem like difficult thing to do, but when you're eight years old and the turkey is almost twice your size, things get a little hectic. After rushing through my gigantic yard for safety, I finally found shelter in my house. But after surviving that blasted bird's rape attempt, I was not satisfied with simply being out of harm's way. So I got my baseball bat and searched for it through the windows. It finally perched itself on the deck outside the back of my house, and I tried to creep up on it as slyly as I could. Well, everything went as planned. I knocked it out cold. Hours later when my father got home from work, the turkey was still comatose, and we decided that I had just taken care of Thanksgiving dinner.

Sam Chapman
"Six Mile Post"

Daytona and the drag racing mini van

My favorite Thanksgiving memory is one from about four years ago when my family and I went to Daytona for a car show. At night the town was full of hot rods and show-offs, and everyone did burn-outs on the street in front of our hotel.�One night someone had the bright idea to get a water hose and hose down the street for better burn-outs, and it worked! �We had the largest crowd around us and in front of us to see who could do one better than the other. It only got better when the cops came in and told everyone to stop, because of course the rednecks around us didn't know what stop meant. Everyone in muscle cars and Corvettes continued to peel rubber and get away with it; then a little mini van with a family came up and thought they'd be funny and do a burn out as a joke--and they wound up with a ticket! Everyone felt sorry for them and we took up money from the bystanders on the street and gave the man money to pay for his ticket.It was the highlight of the night and my favorite memory of Thanksgiving.

Amanda G.
Early Childhood Education
Armurchee, GA

Metalmouth starves on Thanksgiving

Mad TurkeyI got braces when I was in third grade, so when I was in fifth grade and was told that I would be getting something added to them the day before Thanksgiving, I did not think much about it. They told me that I would still be able to eat on Thanksgiving, but I really should have known by then dentists really do lie! It took them about three hours to finish everything, and to put things lightly, I was in tears when I was leaving. I had never been in so much pain in my life. The dentist had to give me some medicine that he said would make the pain better, and that was another lie added to the dentist's list. After we finally left, we headed down to Alabama for Thanksgiving, and thank goodness I slept all the way down. My parents woke me up when we arrived, and literally it felt like I had been hit by a transfer truck! My grandmother had cooked us a big dinner for that night, and as I tried to eat some I just began to cry. So I just took more medicine and slept the rest of the night. The next day was Thanksgiving, and in my family that is a really big deal. Everyone comes to my grandparents', and all we do is eat! That morning I still felt horrible so I had to stay in bed. I was so mad because all I wanted was food, and I could not even open my mouth. All day long I had to stay in bed and could not do anything. It was by far the worst Thanksgiving I had ever had, and one I would never forget.

Lara Lindsey
Accouting Major
Rome, GA

My best has yet to come...

My best Thanksgiving memory hasn't happened yet, but it will be this Thanksgiving. It will be the first time in over 20 years that my sister, my two brothers, and I will be together.

Mary Warner
Administrative Secretary
Physical Plant

Fasting not feasting

Some years back, a friend and I decided that we were going to fast on Thanksgiving- that's right, fast on the day that is synonymous with feasting. This was not done in protest of Thanksgiving. We were just young and thought that it would be a neat thing to do. I managed to get through the entire day without eating a single bite of turkey, dressing, ham or anything else for that matter. My friend, however, caved at the sight of the traditional Thanksgiving feast.

Michael Skinner
Physics Major
Dallas, GA

Blender Attacks!

My most interesting and embarrassing Thanksgiving moment had to have happened when I was in 5th grade.�My family had gone to Little River Canyon, and I was at home by myself. I was making a milkshake and got to looking at the blender.�I decided to see if I could hold the blades of the blender with my fingers if I turned the blender on. Needless to say I was wrong about thinking that I could. I ended up bleeding all over the place and leaving it for everyone to see when they got back.�Obviously I made a story up for the next several years so nobody would laugh at me.

Neal Ragsdale
General Studies Major
Rome, GA

The last Thanksgiving with Grandmother

My best Thanksgiving ever was the last Thanksgiving I got to spend with my grandmother. She was diagnosed with cancer earlier that year and we knew that it would be her last Thanksgiving with us, so everyone made sure it was the best. Everyone in my entire family piled in my grandmother's house, and we all ate the biggest feast ever. It was great because that was the last time everyone in my family has gotten together all in the same house for a Thanksgving dinner.

Kandie Bryan
Nursing Major
Rome, Ga


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