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Inside November 16, 2004's Issue


Georgia Highlands College holds walk/run in the spirit of turkey day

Dream Team & Hob Nail Boot taste victory


Chipper Jones ices the cake for baseball fan

Christa White

Sports Column
By Christa White
[email protected]
Guest Columnist

Even before I was born, my family were Atlanta Braves fans. So, naturally, I grew up loving them too. �

My parents taught me the rules and the players and took me to a game almost every summer. �I became very familiar with the sport and loved to watch it on television. When I was young, my parents would have friends from church and neighbors over for dinner. �

They would talk about who they thought would win the baseball game they were about to watch, and some would leave the table to sit on the couch and chairs by the TV. �

I was too young to know what was going on, but I did know I wanted the Braves to win. �I can remember the shouts and yells when the baseball went over the wall, and I can still see the chips that got knocked on the floor.

Finally, when I was about 10, my parents took me and my younger brothers to Atlanta to watch the Braves play Colorado.�

It was intense because of all the screaming fans. �Some were painted in red and blue, some had on jerseys and some were just in normal attire. �It was really exciting to see the players hit the ball, run to a base and steal the next one. �

I was a little annoyed, though, because when an umpire would yell, I did not understand what was going on. �

My father explained to me about balls and strikes: how four balls meant the batter walked to first base and three strikes struck him out. �Then, he explained the point system to me, and I had a better idea of what was really going on.

Four years later, when I was 14, I was watching Atlanta play on TV. My brother's favorite player was Chipper Jones. I noticed his batting average was higher than most, so I knew he was probably very good. �

Then I noticed how cute he was, and I decided that he was my favorite player as well. �

One day at Wal-Mart, I saw a poster of Chipper and begged my mom to get it for me. �

She agreed, and I posted it up in my room. �

Over the next few years I adorned my room with Chipper items. �I had Chipper Jones key chains, cards and baseballs. �I have never met him, but I did have a photo made that looked like I was standing with him in the dugout.

I have taken my posters down since then and redecorated.

My boyfriend knows I still have a small obsession with Chipper Jones, but he just laughs at me. I try to say it is because Chipper is so great at baseball, but, then again, he did not do so well this season.

Most people are fans of the teams their parents like. I knew I liked the Atlanta Braves even before I knew what was going on.

As I grew older, I started to watch baseball because of a certain player, but that was not the main reason. �

I absolutely love the sport, and it is fun to get fired up over it. �Chipper is only icing on the cake.


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