As students enter college for the first time, there is a newfound sense of freedom. With this freedom it becomes easy to cheat or skim by, instead of actually learning.
Some students call college the 13th grade, but it is not high school and should not be treated as such.
College is many people’s first step into adulthood and independence. College is not a day care, and each student’s education is his or her responsibility.
Students who choose to attend college are dedicating their time, money and effort for the duration of their enrollment.
If they decide to cheat, skip most classes, or use class as nap time, they won’t just be wasting their own time, but also the professor’s and other students’ time as well.
Even students who try will always come across those who don’t. Almost all students have or will know the irritation of the dreadful group project.
They cross their fingers and toes and hope and pray that they will be in a good group. But more times than not, they will have at least one person in the group who does nothing until the day the project is due.
There are more than just classes offered at college. There are many other ways to get involved.
Now is the perfect time to join clubs, go to the student life events and take part in intramurals.
Many students are hoping to find new, like-minded friends. College is not just a place for higher learning, but it is a place to gain invaluable experiences and friendships.
No matter what type of degree a student is working towards, it should be a source of pride and an accomplishment. College is a great place to network and make a better life.
College impacts your life. It can either be beneficial or it can be a waste of time; the choice is yours.
Try to get the most out of college and do not forget to have a good time.