Georgia Highlands College has officially introduced its first Dance Line. For students who have an interest in dance but no longer have a way to express that love after high school graduation.
Madison Harris, founder of the dance line and student at GHC, began advertising for team members over a month ago. Auditions were held at Cartersville on Nov 5 at 3 p.m. According to Harris, “Auditions went great!” She said there was a very promising out turn and a great amount of talent.
Six girls made the team. The members include Jessica Jackson, Kirsten Adams, Katie Guyton, Jori Ayers, Mallory Gravitte and Madison Harris.
As of now, there are no scheduled performances for the dance line, but the events where the line will most likely perform are halftime at basketball games, softball games, soccer games and other GHC events. Performances are expected to begin spring semester 2016.
Harris said that she believes this team will help the members physically and socially. She hopes that this dance line will bring the members closer and create strong bonds between them. As well as helping in these areas, Harris began the line as a way to keep her interest in dance alive while transitioning into college life.