This year Georgia Highlands College is sponsoring a study abroad trip to China for the first time. It will take place May 25 to June 2 of 2018.
Bronson Long, the director of global initiatives and associate professor of history at GHC, said, “I have always had a great interest in China and its history. A lot of my students have shown a great interest in China as well. It is the country with the number one population in the world, and what happens in China can also impact America.”
Denie Burks, assistant professor of business, who went on a 28 day trip to China sponsored by the University System of Georgia, said, “The trip is about opening students’ minds and experiencing a different culture.”
The GHC China trip will be available for all students who apply but will have a significant impact on students majoring in history, English, communication and especially business.
“The study abroad trip is particularly beneficial for business majors. Visiting the companies in China can help students understand how business works and can be useful for job interviews and networking as well,” said Long.
The cost for the trip will cost $4,200, all inclusive. When students register, they must pay $200 to reserve a spot on the trip, a second deposit of $500 will be due on Nov. 17, 2017 and the final balance will be due Feb. 8, 2018.
Students can also have financial aid to help pay for the trip. But Long recommends that students speak with a financial aid adviser to in order to make the arrangements.
Long said the cities students will be visiting are Beijing, Xian and Shanghai. Throughout these cities, students will visit wonders like the Great Wall of China, and the Terra Cotta Warriors Museum, and make two company site visits in Shanghai.
Students will be guided by bilingual tour guides and will be traveling by bus and train.
Students can register by emailing Long at [email protected] to receive an application and find more information at harttravelpartners.com/ghcchina.