Recently, Lauren McKaig, a third-year business major at GHC, returned from a trip to Israel. She went on this trip with her church, Oakland Heights Baptist Church in Cartersville.
McKaig’s reason for going on this trip was for religious understanding. As a Christian, she said it was “neat to walk where Jesus walked.” During the eight days of the trip, she was able to see places of Christian importance such as Jesus’ tomb and the place where he was tried by Pontius Pilate.
While away, Gardenia Burks, professor of business, gave McKaig a short, simple assignment: to actively observe the culture of Israel.
One element of culture she observed was the high military presence in Israel.
McKaig’s group frequently passed groups of military personnel touring the same sights she was. The Israeli military places emphasis on history.
Another aspect of culture was summed up in a single phrase: “The world gathers in Israel,” McKaig said.
She was able to identify groups from Latin America, Europe and Asia.
The final element of Israeli culture McKaig observed was the intensity of impact Judaism has on the culture of the entire country.
The Sabbath, or “Day of Rest,” is strictly observed through the entire country from 6 p.m. Friday until 6 p.m. Saturday.
During this time trains do not run. There was even an elevator without buttons that stopped on every floor, According to McKaig.
Overall, McKaig encourages other students to travel if that is what they desire. She said, “It’s just important to realize that it’s not wrong, it’s different,” when talking about other cultures.