This semester at Georgia Highlands, the Paulding and Douglasville campuses are welcoming a new student life director, Chelsea Signoret.
Signoret is from Douglassville, Georgia, and attended Georgia Highlands College. She has an associate degree in psychology and transferred to Kennesaw State University to receive her bachelor’s in communication with a concentration in media studies.
Signoret’s employment history includes working at the Joel A. Katz Music and Entertainment Business Program at Kennesaw State University. She has also worked in the film industry.
Signoret is very excited about her next journey and working at Georgia Highlands.
Signoret said, “I absolutely love working at Georgia Highlands. It is something new every day, and I love the interaction I get to have with all the students.”
She said her goal is to “continue to make Georgia Highlands grow.”
Sihnoret also said, “I am glad to have a part in making that happen and putting smiles on students’ faces.”
Signoret is here to help any students on the Paulding and Douglasville campuses. Anyone who just wants to talk is welcome to come visit her. She is ready to help and bring smiles to anyone.
For any additional information on Chelsea Signoret, her email address is [email protected].