Colleges across Georgia have been working with the growing film industry to meet its needs, and very soon, GHC might count itself among such colleges.
In recent years, the state of Georgia has become the go-to state for many movie and television productions. The demand for workers in this field within Georgia has grown rapidly. For about six months now, a few members of GHC’s Humanities Division, including Dean of Humanities, Dr. Jon Hershey, Division Chair Allen Dutch, communication professor, Dr. Steve Stuglin and Rome International Film Festival Creative Director Seth Ingram, have been working to develop two film-related pathways for GHC: Film Studies and Film Production.
The Production pathway will be an Associate’s degree program, designed for students more interested in the crafts (cinematography, set design, lighting, make-up, etc.). GHC will be partnering with the Georgia Film Academy. Students will be taking their common core classes at GHC, but their Area F classes will be taught by the GFA faculty in their facilities at Pinewood Studios, Atlanta. As for the Film Studies Pathway, this program will be geared more towards the conceptual side of filmmaking (screenwriting, directing, criticism, etc.). Four new courses have been proposed for this pathway, including Film Appreciation, Film Aesthetics and Analysis, Intro to Film Production and History of Motion Pictures.
The Curriculum Committee approved these new pathways on October 15, so if the full faculty votes in favor of them and they meet the University System of Georgia’s Area F Learning Outcomes and Course Guidelines, then GHC students could see these pathways by fall of 2020.