GA elects new president and updates constitution
Photo contributed by Matthew Perry
SGA president, Matthew Perry, aims to make SGA more inclusive.
Meet twenty-year-old Matthew Perry, a sophomore Paulding county native based out of GHC’s Cartersville campus. Perry is now serving as the new president of the Student Government Association.
SGA was created and tasked with the responsibility of being a liaison between both students and faculty, ensuring that regulations and initiatives concerning the student body are fair and beneficial. One of its main tasks is to encourage student engagement and it does so under the Constitution of The Student Body at GHC.
Perry said that his new role is, “exciting but heavy” and that he has support from the former president and the extended SGA body.
“I’ve had the former president as someone to emulate,” Perry said.
Since taking over as president, Perry has led the rewrite of a new 2021-2022 constitution showing that he is already busy in his new role.
Perry said the new constitution is less confusing and a better fit for the new environment and evolving social climate of the student body.
Perry said that he hopes to bring about more, “relatability, visibility and inclusivity,” making SGA a continued comfortable and welcoming space in a diverse college environment.
“My aim [is] to make the SGA an organization that people know more about and want to become a part of,” Perry said.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an ongoing effect on SGA and will affect future plans.
“In the past we’ve hosted in-person events and we hope to continue that, but in light of the situation with the virus, we want to consider those who don’t feel comfortable being in close physical spaces,” said Perry.
For now, meetings will continue to be held via virtual meetings on Zoom. Eventually, Perry and SGA will look at ways to bring back face-to-face meeting options.
Perry said, “As we move throughout the semester at GHC, we will enact safety measures such as mask regulations when the time comes to go back to normal.”
As part of the new SGA constitution, one of Perry’s goals is to appoint new officers to the organization. These officers will be responsible for assisting with recruiting more students to become involved in SGA, ensuring everyone has a voice and that SGA is representative of all students.
SGA officers will also act as a sounding board to listen to and discuss any grievances, thoughts or concerns.
Perry is no stranger to school organizations and is a former member of Green Highlands, a group focused on increasing environmental awareness and maintaining a healthy body and mind.
Perry was also a member of Students without Borders, a group that helps students develop an appreciation for different cultures, customs and encourages studying abroad.
Perry is also a Phi Theta Kappa member and serves as Brother 2 Brother (B2B) president. B2B is a group that is focused on providing positive solutions to the social, cultural, intellectual and emotional needs and issues affecting African-American and Latino male students.
In his spare time, Perry enjoys architectural design and drawing. After his time at GHC, Perry plans to enroll in an interior design program.
Students interested in learning more about SGA may contact the coordinator for the Office of the Student Government, Krissy Shannon at [email protected] or may visit Navigate for access the Zoom link to SGA meetings and Perry’s contact information.