New light fixtures have been installed on the long walkway to the back parking lot at the Cartersville campus.
Previously one light stood alone on the walk to the back parking lot. This poor lighting created concern for many GHC students.
First year student Ashley Brooks said, “Every day after my classes I go use the gym, and when I leave it’s dark outside. I feel uncomfortable that I have to walk such a long distance to my car, and it freaks me out more that the walkway is by the woods.”
Another issue that has been brought up about the campus safety at Cartersville concerns the isolated location of the back parking lot.
Sophomore Chris Smith said, “I take morning and night classes, so my car is always in the back of the parking lot. One time I found my car wrecked from another student, and nothing could be done because the security cameras don’t reach out that far.”
Todd Jones, vice president of student affairs, said that students can file a complaint for any campus related issue by using the GHC 411 ticketing system.
Jones said, “Students can go to the GHC website and search GHC 411, and the web page is the first link. It’s the easiest and fastest way to help with every student’s needs or concerns.” These tickets are read on a daily basis, and Jones said most issues are resolved in a matter of weeks.