Stephanie Carvajalino, 21-year-old entrepreneur, spoke to students on the Cartersville campus on March 19.
Her sisters, Karen and Daniela Carvajalino, did not make the lecture. Carvajalino explained that they are attending “the biggest and most important education and technology conference in the world” in Dubai.
The sisters started their first business at six, seven and eight selling chocolates.
Their business exploded, and they quickly gained the attention of Latin America and other nations.
With their platform, Carvajalino stated that she and her sisters “want to change the world.” She gave students three steps in her lecture.
“Step one is confidence. Step two is no excuses,” said Carvajalino. Along with those lessons, she shared a personal story of the sisters first conference.
She explained “no excuses” with the analogy of making time to go to the gym.
The third step given was “What makes you different?” Carvajalino wanted students to think about how they “were going to add value to someone’s life.”
Carvajalino mentioned the fourth industrial revolution and explained to students, “Over the next five years, it is going to change everything.”
“500,000 jobs are going to be lost, but also a lot of jobs will be created,” stated Carvajalino.
She and her sisters have created a course to successfully help new entrepreneurs, offering courses that teach technological abilities, soft skills, such as public speaking and entrepreneurship. Although the courses are not yet in English, Carvajalino assures that “in the future” the courses will be offered in English.
Carvajalino inspired students on the Cartersville campus through her lecture.
Students Asher Adcock and Jason Parker stated the lecture was “very awesome” and “very inspiring.”