Physical education is now under a new name: kinesiology and wellness. It has also moved to the division of health sciences.
The name change from Physical Education to Kinesiology and Wellness is “a more updated and inclusive representation of our department,” says Associate Professor of Physical Education Angelyn Riaz. This name better describes what is taught in the department and what the department is about. This change has already been put into effect.
Riaz also states that the move from the division of natural sciences to the division of health sciences will better align with other colleges and universities in the University System of Georgia. This may help students transfer more easily, as other colleges have kinesiology and wellness under their Colleges of Health Sciences. “It is in the best interest of GHC to be more aligned with our sister institutions,” Riaz says.
As of right now, this difference will not change anything for students as far as course requirements.
Students will still be required to take PHED 1010 Concepts of Fitness and Health as well as two more elective hours to graduate with an associate degree.
However, Riaz states that there is hope for the future of adding more degree pathways to the kinesiology and wellness department. Riaz says some pathways to be explored are Fitness Leadership, Sports Management and Recreation Management, to name a few.
These pathways in kinesiology and wellness can be better developed under health sciences, Riaz said.