Free Tutorial Center available in Library High school Students visit the Cartersville campus

Olivia Fortner, Editor-in-Chief

All campuses have a Tutorial Center free for student use. Tutors specialize in many areas, and the Writing Center is very useful. Students can meet on site and get help face-to-face, but online tutoring is also provided to select students.

“I don’t think many people utilize it because of their pride,” said Karen Rogers, a Floyd student.

Rogers said she finds help formatting for APA style and likes that there are computers in the Tutorial Center so students can get direct help with math homework like WebAssign.

These tutors are not just working here as a side job or to pass the time. “Many of us have Masters [degrees],” said Robert Kean, a writing tutor on Floyd campus. This is his job of choice. Kean said, “A vocation gives you purpose. It’s not just a paycheck.”

Kean explained that he loves GHC and wants to invest not just in academics, but in students’ lives.

The Tutorial Center specializes in placement test preparation, research, writing methods, English, math, statistics, economics, reading, science, and Spanish. Heritage Hall has nursing tutors. Writing appointments can be made for one-on-one editing and coaching.

“I’ll go in there any time I have a paper to write,” said Brittany Sheetz, another Floyd student.

Nea Martin, Tutorial Services Supervisor, said, the tutors might need to brush up on some material, but they are willing to learn and research to help you.