Brad Gilmore, HR Manager/Floyd Campus Manager, stands in front of his Floyd campus office.
Brad Gilmore’s path from becoming a GHC graduate to the HR Manager/Floyd Campus Manager is a testament to his commitment to the college.
He is a proud alumnus having earned both an associate and a bachelor’s degree and his educational journey left a lasting impression on him.
“I absolutely loved Georgia Highlands,” Gilmore said. “I loved the people, I loved the students and I loved the mission.”
After completing his bachelor’s degree, he aspired to work at GHC full-time. A full-time position within the human resources department became available and he applied for the role.
His determination paid off as he was selected for the position of HR Programs Administrator, a position he still holds today, though it now includes additional responsibility.
As the college underwent structural changes, transitioning from divisions to schools, his career took yet another turn.
A new opportunity emerged, and he was offered the role of Campus Manager for the Floyd campus, expanding his responsibilities.

Gilmore sometimes speaks to students at high schools to promote enrollment at GHC.
“So I am like a liaison basically, or a middleman, if you want to call it that,” Gilmore said. “I interact with students, faculty and staff in the community to try to get a common goal accomplished which is our big vision or mission statement.”
Gilmore is active on campus where he works with students, talks to them about their issues and also schedules classes for the campus. He often sends out emails with information on upcoming changes to campus.
His dedication to GHC’s mission as an “access college” is evident in his enthusiasm for his work. He genuinely enjoys his role and the college, describing it as the “most fun thing” he’s ever done.
In terms of leadership qualities, Gilmore emphasizes the importance of caring, listening, adopting a servant-leadership mentality and human connection.
“I think that every decision that we make as an institution, in any role, should always be about the students,” Gilmore said.