As the school year begins to wind down, there has been talk of a common theme for next school year as well. John Spranza, director of student life, has confirmed that next year’s common theme will be wellness.
This broad theme will cover all aspects of wellness, from physical to financial, even community wellness.
The theme was decided on by discussions among student life, faculty, and student input.
The themes of other University System of Georgia schools and the requests of the Board of Regents were also considered.
Throughout next school year, the Office of Student Life will have activities events centered around Wellness.
Spranza said that these activities are meant to “encourage students to be well-rounded and to complete goals.”
Currently there is no set schedule on the activities and events planned. So far there has been discussions of expanding outdoor activities.
There will also be a continuation of the #Adulting workshops with an emphasis on wellness aspects such as finances and health. Also, being continued are the yoga classes on the Cartersville campus.
There are also efforts being made to expand the yoga classes to the other campuses.
The 2018-2019 school year will only be the second year the GHC has had a common theme. Ideas for activities and events are still being bounced around. For suggestions, contact the Office of Student Life.
Spranza said that “ears and doors are always open” for student feedback.
Over the course of this school year, the Office of Student Life has focused its events and activities primarily around Chinese culture.
This had been the case to spark enthusiasm for the upcoming summer trip to China.
During the 2017 and 2018 school year Student Life has provided the GHC community with the oppurtunity to experience Chinese culture.
Chinese dancers visited all campuses, the famous Chef Egg held a class on how to cook chinese cusine, zen gardens were given out to students and dragon boats were raced on the lake at the Floyd campus.