GHC student Albert Cooper celebrates new publication and short film release

Julia Haynes

The characters in Albert Cooper’s book get unfortunately attacked by a creature much like the one drawn on the cover. (Photo Illustration)

Victoria Bissette, Entertainment Editor

Film Studies major, Albert Cooper, held a book signing for his new novel and a screening for his new short film in the GHC Floyd campus solarium on Oct. 15. Cooper decided to have this double feature event to “end [his] last semester with a bang.”

The novel, “Wolf Cry,” follows a young boy named Mason, who is just starting high school and gets bit by a werewolf on a camping trip and becomes targeted by supernatural hunters. It draws readers in with quick scenes and casual dialogue.

“I always liked watching supernatural shows, but there were barely any Black/Hispanic protagonists,” Cooper said. “So I decided to write one myself. Which is how ‘Wolf Cry’ came to be.”

Cooper began writing the novel last June.

“I knew I wanted to publish immediately after I finished,” Cooper said.

He sent in his final, revised draft for publication in August, and the novel was published a month later on Sept. 7. 

“I went through His Pen Publishing to publish my book,” Cooper said. “It was the most affordable, and she (the publisher) helped publish my first book.” 

Cooper’s first book, “The Numeral Paradox,” was released on Dec. 15, 2020, and is available for purchase through Better World Books.

Albert drew and designed his own original book cover to match what he had in mind. Though the wolf on the front may not look like your average wolf, it perfectly fits the description given in “Wolf Cry,” a cross between a wolf and a bear. (Photo Illustration by Julia Haynes)

“Wolf Cry” is available for paperback purchases on Barnes and Noble’s website and on Amazon for digital or paperback purchases.

The path to publication was not without its difficulties. Cooper said he struggled with his novel’s ending, which took the longest during his writing process. Cooper said he would try to spend at least five hours solely working on his projects on his days off.

“Patience is the most important part of the process,” Cooper said. “Everything takes time. Use that time to ask, research and fully understand the process before you jump in.”

Cooper shared his publishing experience and process with the GHC Creative Writing Club.

“Cooper’s experience with the publication process will undoubtedly be invaluable to our other members,” GHC Creative Writing Club Faculty Adviser and Assistant Professor of English, Shannan Harrington, said. 

“It’s very inspiring to see a member of our writing community publish their work, and I’m sure it will inspire the other members and encourage them to pursue publishing as well,” Harrington said.

Cooper also shared his screenplay with the club.

Cooper revealed that the inspiration for the short film “The Suspects” came from the video game “Among Us.”

“I like the mystery element to it, so I decided to take the basic premise and turn it into a pilot,” Cooper said.

“The Suspects” took six months for Cooper to complete. The biggest struggle with his short film was not the ending but finally casting the detective on production day. 

“Special shout-out to Darian Ball for jumping in and saving the day,” Cooper said. 

Beyond Ball, Cooper was assisted by the Highlands Film Society and Humanities Division Chair Seth Ingram in the production of “The Suspects.”

“I hope the Film Society will serve as a support system for students to produce independently of coursework,” Ingram said.

Events like Cooper’s provide a stage to present a project and an opportunity for growth. 

“For a short student film, it is all about the journey of the student,” Ingram said. “Presenting their work to and meeting others is excellent for honing their craft and expanding their professional network.”