Dating in college not always a priority

Dating in college not always a priority

Dating in high school was often seen as a rite of passage, a time when young people experience their first date or first kiss. It’s truly a time of progression until you’re thrown into the giant cesspool that is “college dating.” As a person who has never made it fully out of the “we’re just talking” phase, the idea of dating in college seems a lot more unappealing now than ever before.

The world is defined by status: single, taken or the infamous “it’s complicated.” We often end up forgetting where our priorities should lie. The idea of a relationship has always been appealing for some, but at times we forget about others outside of that romantic bubble.

I can’t count the number of times my friends have ended up prioritizing their partner over friendships, which is one of the foulest things you can do.

One of the amazing things about this generation is that we’re finally realizing that our time and energy should be focused on ourselves. How do you expect to care for and give your all to someone if you can’t do that for yourself?

This is especially relevant for those that are fresh out of a relationship. Jumping into the next big thing without giving yourself time to process your emotions is one of the biggest road blocks you can run into. A new relationship isn’t going to help you forget about your last.

After loving the idea of being in a relationship for so long, I decided this year I should make myself a priority by completely focusing on my college career and grades before everything. So far, it’s been doing wonders for me. My grades are up, and I feel  like I’m accomplishing a lot friends should understand more than I was before, since I have little to no distractions. There’s nothing wrong with the with taking pride in yourself.

Of course, there were some obstacles. For example my friends asked me if I was lonely or deliberately making myself seem “weird” by not having a romantic interest to pursue. I simply told them that being with someone isn’t a necessity, and that once I’m fully capable of processing my own thoughts and feelings, it’ll benefit both me and my future boyfriend in the long run.

I don’t like the idea of someone waiting for me to get my mental state together when they could continue thriving without worrying about the future that lies in store for us.

The Atlantic magazine states that hookup culture is on the rise, around 60-80 percent of all American college students have hooked up at least once. Ever since then, I  have just assumed that my friends should understand why I couldn’t fathom the mental strain a partner would’ve placed on me, along with the constant guessing games played between couples.

According to campus Explorer website, 63 percent of college women are hoping to find their spouse in college, while the majority of men prefer short-term relationships over long-term to help them focus on their career goals.

To be perfectly candid , I could not care less at the moment. My focus is primarily on the present. When it comes to a relationship there’s no guarantee, but your mind, body and spirit should never be taken from you.