Due to Georgia’s climate, residents rarely have the chance to experience a day on the slopes. Georgia Highlands is offering a chance to go on a ski trip for academic credit and registration is now open.
For the credit, you have to sign up for the class PHED 1420, Beginning Skiing/Snow- boarding, or PHED 1421, Intermediate Skiing/Snowboard- ing in the Spring Semester of 2020.
The trip is also offered to non-credited students, so friends and family can also tag along.
The trip will take place January 5-9 in Boone, North Carolina.
There will be five sessions of Skiing/Snowboarding — one night and four days. There will also be instruction with the French-Swiss Ski College at Appalachian Ski Mountain.
The tradition of this trip started in 1980 with retired GHC professor Ken Weatherman and another colleague, who is now retired from GHC.
Jacob Faile has been on the trip three times. He first got introduced to the course after taking Weatherman’s physical education class. After Faile’s first year, he came back as a non-credit student for the next two years.
Faile said he had a fantastic time during the trip. There was a lesson at the beginning of the day with a group of people at his skill level, then after an hour or so he would meet up with his friends to practice on the slopes and have fun. He and his friends would pack sandwiches and snacks and try to stay on the slopes as much as possible.
During the course, attendees choose between Appalachian mountain or Sugar Mountain. Faile recommends trying out Sugar Mountain if you have the chance or if Appalachian Mountain is getting too repetive.
Skiing is great for learning controlled aggression,” said instructor Ken Weather- man. “If there is anyone con- templating about going on this ski trip there is no better opportunity than this.”
The cost for a single room is $565-$600 or $414-$450 with a roommate. For own housing (and own equipment) it is $315-$350. The payment is due in full by the registration deadline, December 1. $135 of the fee is non-refundable.
To sign up, visit the PE of- fice on the Floyd campus or the Student Life Center on other campuses. Students can also see Lorrie Rainey from the Physical Education/Athletics office on the Floyd campus, Clifton Puckett in the Student Life office at the Cartersville campus, Megan Simmons in the Student Life office or Jill Freeman at the Marietta cam- pus, or Melissa Le Fleur in the Student Life office or Professor Alexandria MacMurdo at the Douglasville campus.
“If there is any- one contemplating about going on this ski trip there is no better opportunity than this.”
– Ken Weatherman GHC instructor